Keeping Dogs & Kids Safe
Susan is a licensed educator for Dogs & Storks and Dog & Toddlers. She offers in-home consultations that help families with dogs to nurture safe, happy relationships among all family members, human and canine.
Did you know:
- All dogs can bite regardless of breed or temperament?
- Half of all kids are bitten by a dog by the age of 12?
- Many are bitten by dogs they know
- Almost all dog bites are preventable?
Dogs and kids can be the very best of friends, especially if they’re set up for success from the start. Through education, knowledge and training, adults can help prevent bites and keep kids and dogs safe.
Susan Wu of Nu Pawspective can help you navigate each of the stages of your child’s life with their four-legged buddy. With a background in early childhood education and extensive experience as a professional dog trainer, she will show you how to create and nurture safe, happy relationships between all members of your family, both canine and human.

Dogs & Storks
Welcoming a new baby is exciting, a little scary and a big adjustment for everyone – including your four-legged baby. But by taking the time to prepare your dog for your baby’s arrival, you can make the transition easier and safer for everyone.
A licensed presenter of the international program, Dogs & Storks, Susan can show how to prepare your whole family for the new arrival by:
- Answering your questions about babies and safety
- Providing must-know information for expecting parents with dogs
- Offering practical solutions, from do-it-yourself techniques to hands-on help
- Helping you prepare your dog in advance, because prevention is the best cure
- Providing ongoing support through your baby’s first year

Dogs & Toddlers
Once your baby becomes a toddler, the dynamic in the household shifts again. Your toddler’s newfound mobility and quick, unpredictable movements may scare your dog or make him uncomfortable. Through the Dogs & Toddlers program, Susan will help you create safety and harmony at home by:
- Showing you how to set your family up for success through the toddler years.
- Offering insight into how your changing family dynamics may affect your dog
- Answering your questions about toddlers and safety
- Offering advice about common trouble spots between toddlers and dogs
- Providing proactive solutions for some of the common challenges families face
- Teaching dog- and baby-friendly techniques
- Offering hands-on help

Doggone Safe Be A Tree Program
As a licensed presenter for the Doggone Safe “Be A Tree” program, Susan is available to teach school-age children important lessons about dog safety. Doggone Safe, a nonprofit organization, focuses on fun and interactive activities to teach children how to read dog body language and how to act safely around both their own dog and unfamiliar dogs.
From newborns to toddlers to teenagers, we have guidance for how you can keep everyone safe and happy. Get in touch today!

Consultation Fee for all services above:
$175 for a 90 – 120 minute session (An additional $25 - $75 travel surcharge may apply for area more than 25 miles away from 94040.)